
Welcome to my blog. I'm excited to share with all of you paleo inspired family friendly EASY recipes and wellness tips. Have a nice stay, and join me again soon!

Homemade Almond Milk

Homemade Almond Milk

If you have ever had real homemade almond milk you'll never want to go back to the store bought stuff ever again. Nothing compares to the creaminess, plus you won't have all the additives that are commonly added to nut milks such as gums ( guar gum being the most common). Making your own nut milk is also super simple. All you really need besides the ingredients are a blender and nut bag (cheese cloth also works fine). So next time you are in need are in need of some almond milk before you run to the store to make some why don't you get in your kitchen and try out this easy recipe!!

Servings: Approximately 4 cups


  • 4 cups filtered water
  • 1 cup almonds (soaked in water overnight)
  • 3 dates soaked in water (15-30 min)
  • 1tsp vanilla extract or  inside of 1 vanilla bean
  • 1/8 tsp himalayan salt or the sea salt

Directions: Soak almonds overnight in filtered water. This will increase the digestability of them, as well as make them easier to blend. Rinse nuts and add them to your blender along with the 4 cups of water. Blend on high until mixture is completely blended and there are no nut fragments left. Take your nut bag or cheese clothe and strain the nut milk mixture into a large bowl or container. You will have lots of pulp which you can go ahead and save for making crackers or add it to a grainless oatmeal if you don't want to waste it. Pour your strained nut milk back into the blender and add in the dates, vanilla, and sea salt. Blend again on high until there is no date fragments present.  Your milk is done and ready to enjoy. I recommend chilling it for the best taste, but it really is good either way!

Tips On How to Eat Healthy On A Budget

Tips On How to Eat Healthy On A Budget

Skin Care without the toxins!

Skin Care without the toxins!